Service Request Form

Nomad Vanz owners can submit service requests directly to the Service Department using this form. Our Service Department is open 8:00 – 3:30 PM Monday to Friday.

Select Service Type *

Prepare Your Van for Service

When arriving for service, your vehicle must be clean inside and out, meaning:

  • The exterior has been washed (especially mud or dirt on the undercarriage)
  • All personal items are removed or put away
  • The countertop and floor are cleared
  • Your fridge and gear garage are emptied
  • Cabinets, if they require service, must be emptied.
  • Your van must have a minimum of 1/2 a tank of fuel when dropped off.

If your vehicle arrives in unsuitable service condition, as outlined by the above criteria, you will be charged a cleaning fee.
(Note: Cleaning/detailing is not a standard feature of shop appointments, nor do we offer it as an additional service.)

I acknowledge that if my van is not prepared for service according to the criteria outlined above, I may be charged a cleaning fee at the discretion of Nomad Vanz *

Our Virtual/Phone Support Policy

Any troubleshooting or orientation required that are outside of warranty will be billed at $3.40 per minute or $200 per hour CDN.

I accept that any troubleshooting or orientation required that are outside of warranty will be billed at $3.40 per minute or $200 per hour CDN. *